Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Saturday night one of my best friends from high school got married. It was neat to see her so happy. Sarah looked beautiful. Another of my best friends Shana was in her line. Seeing them both and catching up with them has me thinking and reminiscing. One day in high school we were over at Sarah’s house. For some reason we decided to make predictions about our future. Who would get married first, what we would be doing in 10 years. The plan was to keep it some where (like a time capsule) and open it up in 10 years to see if any of the predictions came true. From what I can remember none of them have, we all strayed from our big high school plans.

In high school these girls were my life. We were together all day at school and then on the phone all night (if we weren’t at each other’s home). We all had other friends that we would spend time with and there were periods of times when we weren’t as close but in the end we always became close again. When I left for college I was so sad to say good bye. Making friends in college was different for me. It didn’t come as naturally, like I felt my other friendships had. I think part of this was because BYU is so big and it’s difficult to make friends in classes where there are hundreds of people in attendance. Also it felt like they didn’t really know me. It took time to make friends where as with Shana we had been friends since junior high and she knew everything about me. One day we didn’t know each other-the next we were best friends. Luckily I made some wonderful friends living in the dorms and through wards at BYU, some who to this day I would still call best friends, it was just different.

Even now as an adult I find it difficult to make new friends. Especially since I am a stay at home mom. Luckily I have the women in my mom's group who I have become close to. Some of these friendships came naturally (like high school) and some were more difficult to cultivate but all are worth it.

Sometimes I miss the friendships I had in high school but feel this wall between me and these girls. We all have very different lives and even though we live in the same town I see them maybe once a year. I think we saw each other more when I lived away and would call them when I was home visiting. I feel like even though we have all this history we don’t really know each other anymore and this is what makes me the most sad. Sarah has been with her husband know for about 5 years and I don’t know him at all. I think I have seen him maybe 3 times. I see Shana’s mom and aunt more than I see Shana (because we run into each other at the store). At least we have continued to support each other though. I try to call all my friends on their birthdays. Shana showed up at the hospital the day Chaz was born which meant so much to me. And Sarah brought Chaz a present for his first birthday even though she couldn’t make it to the party. Yes these are small gestures but they meant a lot because of the effort they were making to let me know they care.

Congratulations to Dallas and Sarah I hope they are very happy and I hope he takes care of my friend.


Kirsten said...

Sarah-Wow you three look beautiful!! Congrats to Sarah...she looks so happy. That is so great that you were there for her. Life is not always what we expect is it? It is funny to look back and sometimes hard to see how life changes, and friendships change, and how our paths may not always stay the same. I have had a hard time with that too and wish that sometimes we didn't have to grow up and could go back to when we were younger. That is so great though that you guys still keep in touch and are there for each other. I am grateful WE are in touch again after all these years and hope to keep doing better. You are an amazing girl and my mom keeps telling me now nice and sweet you are...too bad you can't move to Ohio! ;) Have a great day!

The Smith Family said...

Such a pretty picture of you girls. I echo the feelings you have in this blog about friendship. Like, I'm coming to visit next month and I'm just like, "who would even care that I'm coming out to visit," you know? It's been a LOT of years since I've seen a lot of my Fresno friends, and yet in my heart it's like those years haven't passed and I feel the same way about them, but do THEY really care? I don't know if my rambling makes sense. Anyway, I'd LOVE to see YOU and your boys when I'm out. I need your email--would you send it to me adamandmelissa@hotmail.com Thanks! *hugs*

Julie said...

Cute blog! It was great to see you guys last week. Thanks for coming over! Hope you had a good time in Utah. Your boys are so cute!