Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Pirate Party

Yesterday was Drew's fourth birthday. Sunday we celebrated by having a family dinner and Monday, on his birthday, he had a pirate party. While we were getting ready for his birthday dinner Sunday I was telling him how the next day was his party and asking him if he was excited. His response was" yeah I am excited but just don't ruin it this year." I was totally offended. I asked him what he was talking about, how could I ruin his party... it was because of me he was even having a party. And then he reminded me of how the year before at his Thomas the Train party I used the wrong candle and that ruined his party. I could not believe that first of all he remember this and second of all that he would say it ruined his party. Ok so I lost the Thomas the Train candle and had to use regular ones big deal. I told him he was ungrateful. He responded by telling me "just don't ruin my pirate party". I did my best and think I succeeded this year. I don't know though I might have to wait till next year to find out. My friend Marilyn may have saved me by coming over early to help set up and get me ice! Whew.


the binghams. said...

haha... I was laughing so hard when I read this. I can't believe he would say that! I hate how those things make you sad but also they are really funny and will be especially funny later. My mom ruined my 6th birthday by giving me a green ring in my party bag and not a pink one. I threw a huge, Kirsten fit and wasn't allowed to have a party for a few years.

Unknown said...

It's amazing what they remember! :) It looks like all went well though and that you didn't ruin his birthday this year. Too funny! One day Drew will realize how much work you put into making his birthdays so special.

Kirsten said...

This story made me laugh out loud. Kids never cease to put us in our places no matter how hard we try!! I personally think you do an incredible job!!! I bet the Pirate Party went above and beyond this year...no worries!!!! ;-) P.S. You have any cowgirl game ideas for a three year old party? Hailey's bash is coming up in August!