Saturday, June 13, 2009


Drew started T-Ball back in February. He played in an actual league this year, last year we went through the city and it was 5 games and 1 practice. This year he has practice once a week and his last game was 2 weeks ago. He's done much better this year with all if the different skills and likes getting into his uniform. At his last game he hit the ball so far it would have been a home run if they counted runs. He has also gotten a lot better at playing in the outfield.

It has been especially fun for me because Kjell has been helping as an assistant coach for the team. I have really enjoyed watching Kjell with some of the other kids on the team. I know he is good with our own kids but to see him take an interest in others and watch how patient and good he was with them was a new experience for me.

Last Saturday night was the team party and the coach organized it so that it was at the Fresno Grizzlies Game. They are a Triple A team for the San Fransisco Giants. The kids got to run on the field with the players before the game. It was a lot of fun, the weather was perfect.

1 comment:

the binghams. said...

that is so adorable that kjell is coaching!