Anyone who knows Drew or has spent time with him recently would know he is
obsessed with
Transformers. So what else would I do for his Birthday party? He has been telling me he wanted a Transformer Party since last year. Drew had some special guests this year because his cousins from Seattle and one from Half Moon Bay California got to help him celebrate. We also had some friends who were in town from Southern California. Drew had fun swimming and playing games but once he opened his gifts he went inside to play with them and I didn't see him the rest of the afternoon.

I can't believe it has been five years since we had Drew. He is starting
Kindergarden in the fall. I feel to young to have a child in school. I am sad because I know we won't be able to travel whenever, I have to worry about Drew missing school not just
Kjell missing work, there will be homework and stricter bedtimes. I just love being a mom and I love being at home with my kids. I think
Chaz and I are going to miss having Drew around during the mornings. So we will make the most of the rest of summer. We sure had fun celebrating Drew's 5
th Birthday.