Sunday, November 16, 2008

So I am in Seattle. I bought my tickets Tuesday night and flew out Wednesday night. My sister lives here and she has a business called La Vie En Rose. It's mostly a bakery but she also makes picture frames. So twice a year she participates in what they call a Boutique. It's like a home show where different vendors gather together and sell their items in the same place. It's usually in October and March but Becky decided to participate in a special holiday one this month. I came to help her bake, frost, package, print, label, price, and help out with the kids. True to my form I feel like even though I came and tried to be helpful we probably caused more trouble than helped and made Becky's life more stressful. Her kids got sick Friday night, probably brought that with us to. But her items sold at the show when lots of vendors didn't sell anything. It was neat to see the different (and same) things the people here were selling.

And I had a fun time watching Drew and Chaz play with their cousins. Drew loves to come here and visit, he asks almost daily when we can go to Seattle. Last time Becky was in Fresno by herself we were getting ready to take her to the airport for her return flight and Drew came out to the car and asked if he could go. I said sure and he said ok I will go pack my bag. I thought he just wanted to go to the airport, I had no idea he meant to Seattle.

I haven't been here to visit for over a year so of course I had to hit all the food places I love to eat at and shop at the Costco's here because they have the best stuff! Costco was started here and so these stores get a lot of high-end items that a most other stores don't.

And once again our time is winding down and I am so sad I don't live closer to all of my family. This was the first time I have traveled with both of my kids by myself and it wasn't as enjoyable as I hoped it would be. Both kids were driving me crazy (at least it was only a 2 1/2 hour flight). Also with the cost of plane tickets, Chaz will be 2 in May, I just worry that I won't be back for a while and I miss spending time with Becky and her family. They are so generous and caring, they make me feel right at home even letting Chaz have Mason's room so I can sleep.

I do miss Kjell though and have a lot going on in Fresno that I kinda just left. Luckily I have good friends who are picking up the slack for me. So I will enjoy my last day here and then look forward to Christmas when Becky and her family will come see us!

1 comment:

Angie said...

Sounds like a lot of work, but fun. Glad that you enjoyed your visit. And tell Drew that I think you are both POPULAR!!!